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An anti plagiarism tool that may be used by either Staff or Students.

Turnitin is a tool that may be used either for simply checking for the authenticity of the author, or it may be used to help students to improve their writing skills by uploading their own work to Turnitin, seeing what is not “authentic” for themselves, and thereby encouraging them to rework the script into something that is authentic.

As a staff member, you may choose how you want to integrate Turnitin into your course.

Through the following links you will find the Turnitin manuals in both English and German. These give clear instructions on setting up Turnitin as a teacher, and provide further direction on how students may use the tool themselves.

You may wish to share the link to the student manuals to ensure problem-free usage.

Before you can login to Turnitin I will need to set you up access. I shall need to know the following information:

  • Name
  • Your faculty/school, e.g. IT, Mechanical, Electro, Environment, Business.

Once you have access, you will be able to customize your account and set up classes.

Instructions on doing this are contained in the manuals below. There is also a series of Turnitin videos here.

Link to Turnitin Manuals English (Teachers):

Link to Turnitin Manuals English (Students):

Link to Turnitin Manuals German (Teachers):

Link to Turnitin Manuals German (Students):

Link to Turnitin Login Page

Should you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact Paul Raper for further information.


Tel: +41 56 202 8171

Anti Plagiarism Tool.