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The FHNW has set up a Moodle application on which you should undertake ALL e-assessment where the assessment leads to a grade being used to form part of or all of a final grade for a module.

In order for you to be able to do this, you will need to know a number of things:

  1. Where the Moodle application is located. It is here:
  2. How do students access the application. This should be done by advising them of the link to the assessment module in Moodle.
  3. You will need to set security accordingly, this means setting access rights, dates, times etc. separately from those you have set in your main Moodle course.
  4. The module will need to be created manually as there is as yet no way for “Evento” to create a course automatically.
  5. I, Paul Raper, am the person responsible for assisting you with this task.

As more information becomes available, I shall post it here.

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