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Linking Moodle to SwitchDrive

Moodle Learner Management System
Switch Cloud Storage

We have been long looking for a way to link Moodle and SwitchDrive, which is based on OwnCloud technology.

There was for a time, a solution which was produced by Münster University, however, they withdrew their support, and users were left to either rely on a plugin produced by the NextCloud community, or the old unsupported plugin from Münster.

After some consultation, I raised a Tracker ticket with the Moodle community to request that Moodle themselves adopt the OwnCloud Münster produced plugin. There was one main reason for this: it provided for for linking rather than simply importing the file from the cloud repository. The linking concept has the huge advantage that the file remains dynamic, by which I mean that when you update it on your laptop, it will automatically be updated in Moodle, thus students will always have access to the latest version of the file.

I am glad to report that we have made huge progress, and that Moodle did take on my request, and have now finished the initial development phase meaning that the code is almost ready to be launched with the next update of the application.

I shall keep everyone advised as to how this will roll out, but the feature will be available in all Moodle platforms in due course.

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